Hockeytown’s Love Affair with Comeback Kid Darren McCarty

Darren McCarty is a fighter who happens to play hockey.  His life has been both heroic and tragic — often at the same time.  In many ways, he is the living embodiment of the city in which he plays.

He’s the comeback kid of Hockeytown.  And although he doesn’t play very often anymore, he is still a fan favorite.  McCarty is a shining example of the human characteristics of perseverance and will.  Through his travails, he has become the unofficial Spirit of Detroit.

This video captures the essence of McCarty the man — and delves into his personal struggle with alcohol and gambling.  It’s a touching glimpse into his private life.  More importantly, it is a great example of a man’s free will and determination to change what is wrong with his life.  His story is a lesson for all of us who are suffering in one form or another.