For Love of The Game…
Nearly 40 years ago, my brother David and I started servicing Detroit sports fans. Our careers began at the age of 13 and 11, respectively, as peanut hawkers outside of Tiger Stadium on the corner of Cochrane and Kaline Drive. A few years later, with the guidance and support of our wonderful parents and sisters, we opened what soon became a Detroit institution: The Designated Hatter, located just west of Tiger Stadium on Michigan Avenue.
We continue our commitment to Detroit’s sports fans with our latest venture: Vintage Detroit Collection, now located at 44692 Helm Street in Plymouth, Michigan. Four decades later, we remain devoted to accurately preserve and championing the rich sports history of Detroit.
What follows on this web site is a unique compilation of the finest Detroit related sports products that are dear to the true Detroit sports fan. Our goal is to bring our customers the most authentic collection of Detroit sports paraphernalia ever assembled.
Steve Thomas
Steve Thomas
Vintage Detroit Collection