Ernie Harwell’s Last Interviews are Priceless Gifts to Fans

Last night, MLB Network aired a one-hour interview with Ernie Harwell conducted by Bob Costas.  It was shot on the set of MLB Network’s Studio 42 — and it was wonderfully done.

Ernie HarwellBy his own account, Mr. Harwell doesn’t think he’ll make it to the start of the 2010 baseball season.  But you wouldn’t know it to see him in the interviews he’s been kind enough to give since announcing he has terminal cancer.  He looks and sounds fantastic.

Last month, Detroit sports columnist Mitch Albom conducted a live, sit down interview with Mr. Harwell on the stage of the Fox Theatre.  (A short video clip is provided below.) 

 I’ve always known Mr. Harwell to be a gracious and caring man, but what he is doing now for his fans is above and beyond imagination.  He is, in essence, creating priceless gifts for his fans by sharing as much of himself and his history with them as possible — while he still has the chance.  Mr. Harwell is a class act in every sense — even as he faces his own mortality.

It is going to be a sad, sad day in Michigan — and around the country — when Ernie leaves us for good.  I think he knows that and he is trying his best to ease our impending sorrow.

Thank you, Ernie.  Just when we thought we couldn’t love you any more than we do, you provide another earthly miracle that makes us love you even more.  We will never forget you — and your last interviews will help keep a part of you alive in our minds when you are gone.  God bless you.

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